Top 10 Earthquake Survival Kit Must-Haves

Earthquakes can happen at any time so it's very important to have an earthquake survival kit if you are in an area that is prone to shakes.

According to CBS News, your kit should be large, and sturdy, and make sure to keep it up-to-date with fresh supplies. Here is what should be in your earthquake kit:

Water-One-week supply for all household members including pets. The standard rule of thumb is one gallon of water per day for each individual.

Food – A one-week supply of food is also a must. Ready-to-eat meals are available everywhere. Freeze-dried and dehydrated bulk food are also good options as are many of the standard food like canned goods you may typically have on hand, such as peanut butter, tuna fish, canned vegetables, and sardines. If you have a baby or toddler, include an ample supply of pre-packaged, individualized servings of sterilized formula and a variety of jarred baby food stored in padding to avoid breakage. Don't forget to include dried or canned pet food.

Utensils & Home Supplies- Knives, napkins, forks, can openers, dish soap, and more

Water Purifier Tablets and Chlorine Bleach – If the water supply becomes contaminated as a result of the earthquake, or if you opt to use a water supply you are unsure of such as a lake or river, water purifier tablets will eliminate most, though not necessarily all types of bacteria.

For the full list CLICK HERE!

Photo Credit: Getty

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